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The construction work in the Emmericher Ward is still in full swing and is expected to be completed by the end of autumn this year. Good news for all those who enjoy walking or cycling along the Banndeich in the Emmericher Ward: Three new information signs have been put up recently and provide information about the flora and fauna of the wetland and bird sanctuary, its conservation and development, and flood protection.


Two signs with identical content are located at the entrances of the area – on Rundestraße near the Dutch border and on Fackeldeystraße near the marina. The third sign can be found near the hikers' hut, approximately in the middle of the Banndeich.


Information sign near the hikers' hut – Picture: NABU-Naturschutzstation Niederrhein


Information sign at the Dutch border – Photo: NABU-Naturschutzstation Niederrhein


Information sign near the marina – Photo: NABU-Naturschutzstation Niederrhein

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