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  • The brandnew flyer of the project is available for download now. Click here to enter the download site. You may ask us for printed copies.
  • Last weekend, the International Rhine Cleanup took place. We too were there and, with the help of about 45 volunteers, cleaned a part of the Rhine bank and its floodplain within the project´s area. In total, we collected about 5 cubic meters of waste! From old car tires to cigarette butts (almost) everything was there. Overall, it was less garbage than last year's Rhine Cleanup, which raises hope that the Rhine has actually become purer.
    Many thanks to all the helpers and to the City of Emmerich for organization and snack!


  • In accordance with §19 VOL/A, the NABU-Naturschutzstation Niederrhein hereby announces that the company Hydronik GmbH (Reeser Straße 420, D-46446 Emmerich am Rhein) is involved in a public tender with the provision of engineering services concerning foundation ground expertises within the scope of the EU-Life project "Restoration of the wetland character of the Rhine floodplain Emmericher Ward" (LIFE17 NAT/DE/000458). The service period is June 2019 to December 2022.
  • As part of our new EU Life project in the Emmericher Ward, we measure the groundwater level at several points in the area. For this purpose, gauge tubes have been installed. Fully automatic level loggers were then inserted into these tubes and regularly measure the groundwater level. Since the measures planned in the project may also have an impact on the groundwater level, we must monitor it closely, so that we can take action if the groundwater rises too high. In addition, the level loggers now also provide long-term data on the groundwater level in the area and how this is related to the Rhine water level.


    Installation of the gauge tubes.


    The level loggers are read out regularly with a laptop.

  • Last day´s precipitation in addition to the snow melt in the southern German mountains and in the Alps caused a small flood on the Rhine. As a result, the water level in the Rhine flood plain Emmericher Ward increased, too. Clearly visible are now all deeper areas that are filled with water.

    The up and down of the water level is basically normal in a flood plain. However, due to mainiofold regulations of the Rhine this happens not too often. This results in a decrease of indivuduals and species adapted to these specific conditions. Therefore, a small flood is beneficial for these species and biotops. We already observed a curlew in the Emmericher Ward apparently looking for a nice place to breed.


  • Kranenburg - In accordance with §19 VOL/A, the NABU-Naturschutzstation Niederrhein hereby announces that the company Björnsen Consulting Engineers GmbH (branch office Cologne, Karlstr. 40-44, D-50679 Cologne) is involved in a public tender with the provision of engineering services within the scope of the EU-Life project "Restoration of the wetland character of the Rhine floodplain Emmericher Ward" (LIFE17 NAT/DE/000458). The service period is December 2018 to December 2024.

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